
WV DOT Awards Team for Work on Route 10

Submitted by gmoore on
The three co-winners of the WV DOT 2017 Engineering Excellence Award, Large Roadway Category, 2nd place are shown above (from left) L.A. Gates, LA Gates Engineering; Rodney Holbert, Burgess & Niple; Roger Kennedy and Fred Brown, Chapman Technical Group, and Tom Smith, secretary of the West Virginia Department of Transportation and commissioner of the Division of Highways.
 The three co-winners of the WV DOT 2017 Engineering Excellence Award, Large Roadway Category, 2nd place are shown above (from left) L.A. Gates, LA Gates Engineering; Rodney Holbert, Burgess & Niple; Roger Kennedy and Fred Brown, Chapman Technical Group, and Tom Smith, secretary of the West Virginia Department of Transportation and commissioner of the Division of Highways.

The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, recognized Chapman Technica